What we are used to is quite the contrary innit? But.. this is what its come to today… I get tanned in winter and my dry skin cries for a moisturizer in summer… Initially, I wondered… what on heavens was wrong with my skin.. ? was I getting overtly sensitive? I even considered consulting a skin specialist… There were other surprising changes in me as well.. I hardly needed any sweaters even in winter.. Instead I slept with the fan on during winter nights! But then, I noticed I wasn’t the only one behaving peculiarly.. But a lot of people around me were having the same problem (At this point am not sure if they have identified it as a problem!) Around this time.. a lot of other elements also came to my notice.. vagaries in weather.. it’s supposed to be the winter season… and am faced with alternating hours/days of heavy rainfall and hot sunshine… Its supposed to be raining beginning mid-May.. I still remember… during my summer holidays in school.. I used to crib during the evenings because I wasn’t allowed to go out and play in the rain.. But now… its June – July.. and the sun’s still burning bright and you get daily reports on insufficient rains to sustain crops.. increase in food prices… economy on a high and so on!!!
And when this situation followed year on year without a lapse but with fervency instead.. I wondered what the hell was happening to our country.. and then there are news deaths caused due to a high intensity in floods... there are a sudden spate of droughts… forest fires have increased… the ice caps are melting.. whales are going extinct and so on and on and on… Global Warming was evident.. and what have we done about it? Nothing at all… Mankind, with his ever increasing ignorance and presumptions of self importance, has as usual turned a blind eye to nature’s fury and has continued his actions of arrogance not having considered the repercussions of these on none other than himself...
There have been several arguments of humans to be able to survive this change in the weather conditions as the earth had undergone a similar period of warming during the medieval era. What one fails to realize was that during the medieval era.. there was no industrial revolution that increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere… there was no lack of trees to absorb excessive CO2 and help maintain a balance.. there were no massive increases in population causing an imbalance in natural resources.. The protective ozone layer is continually depleting as a result of the increase of chlorofluoro carbons in the atmosphere.. and this has led to the increase in the intensity of UV radiations reaching the earth’s surface.. With increases in man’s progress.. his greed and lack of ability to accept his wrongdoings and put rectifications in place have also increased exponentially…
But, how long will this sustenance last? Unto what maximum limits can our universe be pushed before we all perish under its wrath? Everyday scientists come up with new theories and justifications on the increase in global warming… Different news stations show colorful photographs and present heart touching impactful news stories on the pitiful state of the earth that we occupy… but the effects of all this are momentary – only as long as the news telecast lasts… and then we all return to our routines as if nothing was wrong at all in the first place~
To quote Calvin and Ice Age at this point would be appropriate!
Consequent to entertaining us.. do these cartoons have a message?? Are we being warned?
We never wait to reach a temperature of 110 degrees to take preventive / curative medicines… so why are we waiting for the earth to get to its worst unhealthy conditions before we begin to heal it..? In our own small ways we can avoid increases in pollution.. lets get our vehicles emission tested on a regular basis.. lets use unleaded petrol.. avoid using the air-conditioner to the maximum extent possible.. minimize or if possible eliminate the uses of plastics.. help grow, nourish and protect our trees… this and in any other way that you think you can save the world.. go ahead and DO IT.. every small step will go ahead to have a lasting impact..
Lets do this not for our fellow country men.. Not even for our colleagues, friends, neighbors or relatives… For once, lets get selfish and do this for ourselves…
If not for anyone else.. at least.. create a better world for YOU to live in..
Lets not wait until we get here –
Well written vids.. It is very thought provoking.. Its high time we 'WALK THE TALK'
Ya...Even I think about it a Lot ...
but practicaly doing nothing about it...the only thing i do sincerely is swithc off my officepc at the end of day..instead of leaving it on days together...
boomi matha vaaya polaka pora !!
namma elarum ulla pova porom :-o
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