Sunday, 11 February 2007

The Pursuit of Happyness

This is one movie that I had to write about.. I have watched a lot of movies and enjoyed most of them.. some of them have moved me deeply too... but this seems to stand a class apart...

As the tittle says... All we can do is 'pursue' happiness... in comparison to real life, that is but true.. humans always tend to pursue things which they 'believe' and 'hope' will give them happiness... but we fail to realize that happiness lies in being able to truly appreciate and enjoy all that we already have....

I had heard good and bad comments about the movie.. I missed out on going for it with my class... and finally one day, after lectures since I had quite sometime on hand.. I decided to watch the movie online.. I had no expectations from the movie and was watching it to merely spend time... However, the movie took me by surprise.. I do not wish to go into the movie details.. but, there is a lot in the story that every individual can actually relate to.. the desperateness you feel when everything around you seems to go wrong and you are so intent on pursuing any little thing that can fill your life with joy..

Kudos to Will Smith and Jaden Smith (Will's son in the movie as well as real life) for so neatly articulating human emotions in the movie...


Chitra said...

Yes Vids, this movie was one of its kind. It moved me deeply too. The title is "Pursuit of Happyness" rite? The stress being made on the 'y'?

The portrayal of the struggle Chris undergoes to make ends meet is so nerve-racking that it haunts U for days!!!

Vids said...

Nerve racking is an understatement isnt it? but it then makes ur look at the brighter side of our own lives and to be thankful for all that we have.. what say? :)

Chitra said...

Perfectly!!! In fact I actually thanked God :).

Vids said...

the movie does leave an imprint on ur mind.. I think Will Smith has donr some stupendous acting... what says? :)